Cost effective Lice Treatment

October 29, 2011

Hello lice sufferers.  It is so frustrating to go to the internet for help only to be inundated with an infinite number of options and opinions.  I can only tell you what I know.  Beware of the non stop addition of new treatment companies.  You see them each day when you look for information.  Often, you get what you pay for.  While a new company may quote an unusually low price for treatment, your treatment may be of  unusually poor quality.  A good rule of thumb is to ask for several referrals.  Try to find a company that is recommended by a friend, doctor or school nurse.  Although, the referred treatment professional may cost more at the outset they may save you weeks of work in the long run.  Experienced professionals will get your child cleaned up and back to school and leave you feeling confident about beating this pesky problem.  Don’t forget that you can always call Licebeaters with questions.  7 days a week.  They have 14 real years of lice treatment experience and are recommended daily by pediatricians, school nurses and moms everywhere.  516-851-7412.  You have questions and they have answers.



New Lice News

February 6, 2010

Snowy Day in the Northeast
Hi lice victims everywhere. There is always something interesting to report. Today let’s talk about Cetaphil. I can make it short and sweet. Cetaphil does not work as a treatment for lice. The idea is that each egg will be “shrink wrapped” by the Cetaphil. Crazy! We have treated many ex-cetaphil users. Sometimes an idea is just an idea. In reality the idea does not produce the desired results. Olive oil always works. Because drowning is drowning. Submerging an air breathing entity for long enough to deprive it of air produces death. This is a process that is “fool” proof.

New Blog

February 5, 2010

Hi All,
Lice is a terrible problem for any family. It affects many. No matter how clean, beautiful and prosperous you are, lice will and usually does find your kids. At school, dance, soccer, sleepovers, Hebrew School, religious ed, church–well you get the idea. The good news is that there are new twists on old treatments. Natural and very, very fast and easy. No chemicals required. Just oil. Yep, just oil. preferably olive oil and some really good guidance.

Hello world!

February 5, 2010

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!